In the Style of...

'In the Style of' is a series by BlackNiteLight blending the blacklight and neon color aesthetics with styles of famous artists. Combining hand-drawn images, BlackNiteLight's personal AI processing, and digital art, this series calls upon artists like Edward Hopper, Andre Breton, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Yyves Tanguy to explore what otherworldly pieces they may have produced today.

Channeling the blacklight and neon vibes of the 70's and 80's, this collection merges classic techniques with modern art styles and principles. Inspired by traditional and blacklight art, BlackNiteLight continues to explore colors and vistas not just here but somewhere beyond.

Blacklight art is a type of art that is created to be viewed under ultraviolet or "black" light. When viewed under this type of light, certain colors and pigments fluoresce and create a glowing effect that is both surreal and captivating. Blacklight art can be created using a variety of mediums, including paint, markers, and even textiles. The use of blacklight art is often associated with a variety of counterculture movements, including psychedelic and rave culture, and is often used in environments such as nightclubs, music festivals, and other similar events. Many people find blacklight art to be cool and visually striking due to the vibrant, otherworldly colors that are produced under UV light.

Also called: Fluorescent art, UV art, Glow-in-the-dark art, Neon art, Psychedelic art, Rave art, Blacklight painting, Illuminated art, Luminous art, Radiant art

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Music Monday: Acid Sands by DJ IveL